Friday, July 14, 2006

Stoppin' Crime!

I've been fortunate enough to help out on a print campaign for CrimeStoppers of Wellington County, aimed at emphasizing the fact that if you call in with a tip, you will remain absolutely, 100% anonymous. I was sent the background shots from a professional photographer, and was tasked with the job of adding grafitti to various elements of the scenes(as well as a bit of touch-up on the bg's, i.e. stretching out fence posts, filling in areas that had been blocked by unwanted cars, etc...). In the case of the shot with the picket fence and school locker, I painted/drew out the text and scanned it into photoshop, but the graf on the brick wall was created digitally. Thanks to my man Derek Neal for hooking me up with this one. Love working with you dude!

JT out.

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